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Saint Georges' Episcopal Church, Hilton, NY

Member Since: April 29, 2009
Festival biz experience: 10+ years
Hilton, New York
Show Director Phone: (585) 278-4805 Exhibit Director Phone: (585) 278-4805
St. George's Episcopal Church provides food shelter services to the Hilton Community through out the year.  We organized many events that provide for the needs of our community.  We are a warm and welcoming parish, open to all visitors.  We re-started craft show events 4 years ago and have now added a summer Antique Car and Craft Show to our yearly venue's. Check us out on Facebook @stgeorgeschurchhilton
Event Organizer, Association/Organization, Artist-Crafter
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
various crafts, bake sales - hand made, some distributed vendors
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