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Rosalie Bond, Hazleton, PA

Just got my website up tonight!

posted June 29, 2009
Just got my website up tonight!

I just got my website up tonight, finally!  If anyone knows of any shows coming up in NE PA that aren't listed, please e-mail the info to me and I will put it on the site.  Also, if you are living in the Hazleton, PA area, send me an e-mail with your info (co. name, your name, and contact info) and maybe some pics and I will list them on my Services page.  If you make the same stuff I do, your out of luck :) .       I did link to this site, too.  

It feels good to have the site up and running after all this time.  I had to get a new (used) computer in order to do it.  My old one was so old the inventory # should have been 1. 


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