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Adam Carpinelli, Portland, OR

Member Since: November 6, 2018
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Portland, Oregon
Offering four musical projects and one educational program with musicians largely based in the Portland, Oregon area playing (and teaching) Jazz, World Beat, Afrobeat, Afrojazz, Highlife and other Contemporary African and traditional African styles. Bands play a large repertoire of original compositions and often features Senegalese Master Drummer Massamba Diop from Baaba Maal's Band and The Black Panther soundtrack.

Currently booking four projects: Shvvvr, Wamba, World Beat Collective, Walo Walo.  All available for Festivals, clubs, school/university, social, cultural and educational programs and workshops.  
Entertainment Services, Artist, Band
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Jazz, World Beat, Afrojazz, Afrobeat, Contemporary African - #shvvvr, #worldbeatcollective, #wamba, #massambadiop
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