details: One of my signature offerings! All beads are glass or ceramic - NO PLASTIC - and no two are exactly alike! (And they match everything, too.) Own a piece of jewelry like no other ... or two, or three ... they do stack well ...
details: A set of seven pocket-sized oracle cards to help educate, meditate on, and heal the energy centers of the human body. Each card has a piece of original artwork along with details about each chakra.
details: Orgonite is a special sort of magical tool made by suspending gemstones in resin and adding metal pieces or charms to increase their vibrations. Each piece is small enough to carry in a purse or pocket and each gemstone has a different intent or property ... I've got something for everyone!
details: Each doll I create is based on the concept of either a Celtic Tree Spirit or a Nordic Rune. The white doll, Beith, is a Birch tree spirit and is still available. The other, Uruz, is a rune spirit who found a new home at my very first show.