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Greater Avenues Community Council, Salt Lake City, UT

Member Since: August 18, 2006
Festival biz experience: 8+ years
Salt Lake City, Utah
Show Director Phone: (801) 550-1294 Exhibit Director Phone: (801) 859-5858 Food Director Phone: (801) 859-5858 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (609) 425-2169

The objectives of the Greater Avenues Community Council are to:

  • Provide a forum to discuss issues of concern to our neighborhood residents and business owners.
  • Establish working groups and committees to facilitate issue resolution.
  • Promote activities that enhance and enrich the community.
  • Make improvements to the community in order to protect the unique character of the Avenues.
  • Provide and expand communication links with governmental, civic and community organizations
  • Provides benefit to the broader Avenues community with the use of GACC funds.
Show Promoter/Producer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
newsletter, community meetings, events, web page - community service, street fair, cleanup
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