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Bill Dickson & MTT, Frankford, DE

Member Since: March 20, 2001
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Frankford, Delaware

Bill Dickson is an author, philosopher, musician, teacher, life coach and entrepreneur. Graduating in 1991 from the University of Maryland at Baltimore County with a major in Philosophy and a minor in Sociology, Dickson's focus has always been on the human condition. His published writings to date have been mostly musical compositions making up five audio CDs featuring his Christian-Rock/Adult Contemporary band Bill Dickson & his Musical Think Tank aka Bill Dickson & MTT. Many of his students and studio clients have become life-coaching clients using Dickson's tools of songwriting/goal setting to enrich their lives and inspire others.


Dickson's first book is “Happy To Be God's Lapdog”. In it Dickson provides his answer to the question that has been on the lips of humanity since words were formed. Why did God create mankind? What is our true nature and intended purpose?


Terranian Sunrise, unlike …Lapdog, is a fantasy based on musings of possible future Earth. The first of three books in the series Terra Rising. Book 2 – Midday On Mars - is slated to be released in January 2020. With the Book 3 – Aquatican Midnight – to be released January 2022.

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