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Bristol Mac Donald Photography

Member Since: April 24, 2017
Fine Art Equine Photographer

With a background in photojournalism, Bristol has dedicated the last ten years of her life to documenting the spirit of the American Wild Horse. Her unique and captivating imagery has coveted multiple awards, international attention and highly successful gallery exhibits.

“I am driven by passion and by a devotion to tell the story of the plight of the American Wild Horse. I have made it a priority in my life and my art to educate and enlighten the public and inspire change.”

Once an American legend, a living symbol of freedom, the American Wild Horse is now in
jeopardy of becoming extinct in a land it helped revolutionize. As a nation we have done little
to extend either stewardship or respect for these noble animals. Instead, we have herded them,
broken them, abused and slaughtered them. And now we are at risk of losing them forever!

Bristol has traveled across the country observing and photographing wild horse bands in their
natural habitat, but it is Return to Freedom ~ American Wild Horse Preservation and Sanctuary
that captured her heart and inspired Bristol's passion for this cause.

Return to Freedom is a non-profit wild horse sanctuary founded in 1997 by Neda DeMayo.
Located in Lompoc, California, it is safe haven to approximately 400 wild horses. The sanctuary
is dedicated to preserving the freedom, diversity and habitat of America's wild horses through
sanctuary, education and conservation.

“It is my greatest desire that my art touch the human spirit and encourage Americans to speak out on behalf of wild horses across the nation. We need to be their voice.”

Bristol's unswerving commitment to the expressive and artistic sensibilities of these magnificent creatures is what led to the creation of her collection “Unbridled Souls ~ Portrait of the American Wild Horse”, an ongoing and evolving photographic project.

Photography, Artist
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
photographs/photography - wild horses/photography
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