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Characters With Character, York, PA

Member Since: November 3, 2013
Festival biz experience: 18+ years
York, Pennsylvania
We entertain using over 300 costumed characters both adult, children and Holiday from Elmo to Elvis. We also entertain with balloon art sculptures, caricature cartoon portraits, karaoke, singing telegrams, nostalgia, trivia, face painting, jokes and humor and much more. We perform at special events, fairs, carnivals, special needs groups, craft shows, nursing homes, daycares, schools, restaurants, senior centers, birthday partys both children and adult, and many more. Photos of some of our characters, balloon art and caricatures can be found on our Characters with Character face book page.
Entertainment Services, Artist, Children's entertainment
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
costumed characters, balloon sculpture art, caricature cartoon portraits, face painting, singing telegrams and more. - balloon sculpture art, caricatrure cartoon portraits, face painting, singing telegrams and more.
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