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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Clever Crafters Co-Op, Port Saint Lucie, FL

Member Since: May 30, 2008
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Show Director Phone: (772) 323-0945 Exhibit Director Phone: (772) 344-4021
Crafter and show promoter

I have been a crafter for more than 30 years.  I design and create charm bracelets, plus other jewelry as well as a line of clay pot creatures such as snowmen and snowwomen, angels and light houses.

I currently am selling my crafts at 8 different locations in Port St. Lucie, Florida and will be starting a new website highlighting these crafts.

Currently, I am managing a craft fair for Spanish Lakes Riverfront for November 9-10.
Please contact me at for an invitation.

Thanks, Maureen
Artist-Crafter, Show Promoter/Producer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Metal Bracelets and charms, clay pot creatures - Charm Bracelets and clay pot creatures
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