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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Cherry Festival Association, Beaumont, CA

Member Since: February 28, 2003
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Beaumont, California

Our Association is proud to announce over 100 years of our town's Cherry Festival! We are located in Southern California just off the 10 Freeway and Beaumont Ave, in Beaumont, CA. The festival is hosted every year at the end of May/beginning of June to kick off the Summer!
You can contact our office at (951) 663-0601, or email us at any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please visit our website for all current information regarding next year's festival.

Entrance fee: TBD

2024 Cherry Festival Dates: Thursday May 30th - Sunday June 2nd

Festival Location: TBD

The Festival hosts live entertainment and a carnival all 4 days of the event.
There is a Pancake breakfast and Parade on the Saturday before opening hours to the festival grounds.

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