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Chips_pop_eye_art, Kenner, LA

Your time! Is it clear.

posted March 23, 2014   category » inspiration
Our  Quest of Passion, the art lives deep in the soul  the care we take of our journey, the arts. many years of constant fight to deliverence. The life of the artist,  baby steps in time,  collected styles, and refined technique's that's drives our mind to racing, feats of possibilities. Your plan is right!! it must be done!! through walls of doubters silenced. 
Accomplish what you started!! It would'nt have been given.

The chosen ,whom get to fly in your minds eye with colors fusing abstract canvas continually flooding our minds.  To share with the world who needs it! Your part of this magnificent universe masterpiece of life, will not be same  with YOU> (note 2 self)

A quiet mind answer come.

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