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City of Thornton, Thornton, CO

Member Since: February 19, 2004
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Thornton, Colorado
Show Director Phone: (303) 255-7800 Exhibit Director Phone: (303) 255-7800 Food Director Phone: (720) 977-5918 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (720) 977-5960

Thornton is a diverse community with a strong commitment to quality of life and environmental issues.

The City's location provides an excellent environment for cultural, recreational and outdoor enthusiasts. Thornton offers 29.6 miles of regional trails, 87.3 mi...les of local trails of 22.4 miles of bike lanes. From Thornton there is also easy access to the 28 major resort areas found in the nearby Rocky Mountains, which offers skiing, hiking, rafting and camping, as well as beautiful and breathtaking scenic wonders... most are well within a two hour drive. Thornton has aggressively pursued recreation programs with nearly 1,000 acres of land developed or designated for public parks. The numerous lighted tennis courts, athletic fields, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, recreation centers and gymnasiums offer recreation opportunities for people of all ages and activity levels.

Thornton's location provides an ideal environment for business, recreation and residences
Show Promoter/Producer, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Wide variety - business promotion, craft fair, independent distributor
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