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Downtown Business Council, Chambersburg, PA

Member Since: December 1, 2003
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Show Director Phone: (717) 261-0072 Exhibit Director Phone: (717) 261-0072

Downtown Business Council of Chambersburg is a membership organization. This year, 2023, we celebrate 100 years in business. Our mission statement is to coordinate downtown events that bring our community and more to our downtown to support our merchants. Our organization hosts/co-hosts many events throughout the year from First Fridays, Swing into Spring weekend (with DCI), Old Market Day, AppleFest, Trick or Treat on Main and the Christmas Parade, and IceFest (with DCI and Council for the Arts). 
We have a long history of successful festivals Old Market Day is celebrating its 66th year!
If you have any questions, please call or text 717-261-0072 or email

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