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Exchange Place Kingsport TN 1850s Farm, Kingsport, TN

Member Since: February 21, 2001
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Kingsport, Tennessee

The mission of Exchange Place Living History farm is to preserve and interpret the heritage of mid-19th Century farm life in Northeast Tennessee.  Exchange Place is a non-profit, volunteer-run living history farm that seeks to preserve, protect, interpret and manage the history, heritage and artifacts of the Gaines and Preston families.  It is an educational facility that endeavors to demonstrate the resourcefulness of mid-19th century agrarian life.  It is a viable, working farm that continues to maintain the heritage breeds of animals and heirloom plantings essential to life of this antebellum period.  And it is a regional attraction that offers tours, traditional period demonstrations and other public events designed to increase community awareness and showcase heritage arts, crafts, and skills of the Appalachian region.


Show Promoter/Producer
Educational institution, living history farm, entertainment arena
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