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General FAQs

Why isn't FestivalNet free?

First of all, a Basic FestivalNet account is Free! You can access all events using our advanced search tools. While some event details are left out, it's a great starting point to learn where and when the shows are.

Our paid levels cover our team of researchers who, year round compile, update and expand our data, maintaining relevant and current info on thousands of events throughout North America. Nowhere else can you get the volume of information and extensive details we offer, along with organizational and productivity tools all in one place. Many of the details we provide are not even found on the event's web site! AND we offer world class customer service and tech support to all our customers from basic free accounts to the highest paid pro level, this all costs money.

Some people ask us: why pay for something I can get for free? Can't I just use google to get the info I need? You certainly could use other sources, including yourself, to track down festivals & discover some of the details you need, but you can not find all of what we offer and after a while you will soon see the value of our services! In business, time is money and FestivalNet is an investment in yourself and in your business. Save research hours, use our awesome 'one-click-connect' and our other excellent tools, and you will absolutely book your show calendar faster and better with FestivalNet than if you go at it alone.

Go here for membership info

Tags: contact, customer, customerservice, employ, festivalnet, free, info, membership, research, researchers, service, support, tech, techsupport