IMPORTANT: Our support staff is based in Asheville, NC and has no Internet. Water and electricity are not back on in most residences. We have one staff person using their hot spot to clear emails once a day. Please expect delays if you leave voicemail. Email is preferred. Red Cross Hurricane Relief
Are you:

Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .
Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .


Fine Art and Crafts Entrepreneurs (Faace), Peachtree City, GA

Member Since: July 13, 2016
Festival biz experience: 14+ years
Peachtree City, Georgia
Show Director Phone: (678) 667-4624 Exhibit Director Phone: (678) 667-4624 Food Director Phone: (678) 667-4624 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (678) 667-4624
Fine Arts and Crafts Entrepreneurs, Inc (FAACE) is a mature and active art organization located in Fayette County. We promote and encourage the appreciation of fine arts and crafts, and we support, educate and empower the artists who create. FAACE enriches the community by presenting multicultural and multigenerational art. FAACE ignites and sustains the love of art through multidisciplinary exposure with an annual celebration of the arts, Magnolia Magic
Web site / E-mail -
Social media
Show Promoter/Producer, Festival/Event/Show, Educator
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
visual and performing arts - Celebration of the Arts
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