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Hana Lima by Kolokea, Phoenix, AZ

And it all began . . .

posted February 19, 2020   category » History
As a child I learned to sew to make myself clothes and do crafts.  In my young single mother life in between making clothes for us, occasionally I would make craft items to sell  at local small craft shows.

Once I moved to Phoenix Arizona I again participated in a craft fair at a school and a couple at my church.

Always with my dream of having my own business. . .

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The seed was planted . . .

posted April 26, 2020   category » Event Memory
The seed was planted . . .
And then it started.  I was an aide at Burton Elementary.  I had just accepted a position at DVUSD, but they allowed me to participate in their craft faire.  I had been puttering around with upcycling items and really wanted to get involved in the craft business.  In 2016 I had contacted a wonderful couple, The Costellos, who had shared a wealth of information with me; that who would have ever known would be such a blessing.

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A seedling is sprouting . . .

posted April 26, 2020   category » Event Memory
A seedling is sprouting . . .
December 2018 seemed to be the start of something BIG!!!  It was my first "real" craft faire circuit event.  Boy was I so excited; was I prepared enough, did I have everything I needed to be more presentable compared to last time.

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