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Hana Lima by Kolokea, Phoenix, AZ

Member Since: March 15, 2016
Festival biz experience: 9+ years
Phoenix, Arizona

Hana Lima by Kolokea specializes in Satin Ribbon Leis, Ipu' & Ipu' He'ke instruments bags and Hawaiian Quilts - Quillos.

See my photo gallery of beautiful fancy satin ribbon Forever Leis' . . . .Speical Orders are available - order "way in advance" of your event as these are very intricate designs made with many hours of love. 

Braided Satin Ribbon Leis' are popular items throughout the year for graduations and are available in most Arizona teams and other sporting teams;  colleges and high school colors. 

Looking forward to seeing you at the events.


Artist-Crafter, Festival/Event/Show
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Polynesian Fabric/Material - Braided Ribbon Leis, Forever Flower Leis, Ipu & Ipu Heke bags, Flip Flop Neck Pillows & Quillos
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