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Jacqueline Chmiel, Harbeson, DE

Member Since: January 15, 2014
Festival biz experience: 16+ years
Harbeson, Delaware

I was a oncology nurse by trade until I retired 14 years ago. Had the urge to do something creative with my time so I took classes in Lampwork Bead design. For those of you who are not familiar with lampwork beads I use rods of glass 5-6mm in diameter and melt over an oxygen and propane flame. when the glass become fluid I deposit it onto a steel rod which i Continually turn to either make a round bead or use molds to create various shapes. Then I decorate the bead using the same glass but assorted colors. I then cook in a kiln to 1000 degrees. After cooling I then create my one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces.
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Glass - Lampwork Glass Beaded Jewelry and Kitchen Utensils
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