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All the Shiny Things ( Formerly Jessicas' Jewelry Shop), Santa Ana, CA

Wrapping up 2013

posted December 31, 2013   category » General
So 2013 was quite a year for me! I started branching out and doing new things that I had never done before and the results were mostly positive. Every show is always a gamble, some go much better than others. Such as the Mardi Gras show I did at the OC Fairgrounds that cost $400 and I made less than half back... The people involved were in WAY over their heads and the expected 20,000 + attendance was probably actually closer to 200. It was REALLY hard and if I recall correctly it rained. Other events that I tried for the first time went amazingly well. Such as the free event I did nearly $2000 at which was a garage sale in Glendale. Wow, right? I did well and will continue to find more LARPing events to do because my Vintage Jewelry and accessories are perfect - heck it's why I started making cloaks Smile
- for those kinds of events. Though many times people don't have a lot of money but are VERY interested. And in those instances I do trades, which thus far have worked out very well. I did Labyrinth of Jareth which was not quite as awesome as I'd hoped but I did another masquerade that exceeded my expectations beyond measure.  

Every year I do a little better than the year before and this year was no execption, but I was VERY busy doing shows, I am going to have a hard time in 2014 beating my 2013 numbers!  I keep pushing the bar higher, and the only way to achieve the goals is to get creative, so I am officially starting the new year with a new website.  Homestead got bought out by BigCommerce and they wanted to change my website to bigcommerce and to be perfectly honest, I don't like the connotations. And besides, I haven't made enough in sales to justify continuing to spend the kind of money I was spending to keep the store going. Which it may have stood a better chance had I put more effort into maintaining it and updating the products, but there's only one of me and with a full time job, pets, husband, house to look after and shows to find, shows to do, jewelry to repair, jewelry to clean, sort tag and display, there just wasn't enough time to photograph it individually edit the photos upload and make descriptions for each item. It just didn't happen.   And since stuff wasn't moving it wasn't worth MAKING the time to make it happen. I am seriously considering trying this store out on I noticed the market isn't flooded, perhaps I can let the big company push the advertising to draw the buyers.   At least it will be some place to put it and cost less. Etsy was a bust. It's innundated and unless you spend lots of time no one ever sees your items and I'm sorry I'm not going to spend $.10 each to list 200 items if I haven't sold anything yet from my tester items.  I just don't have the time or capital to gamble with like that. Go figure.   Ah well onward and forward for 2014 I am going to make this and Facebook my online presence.

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