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All the Shiny Things ( Formerly Jessicas' Jewelry Shop), Santa Ana, CA

Member Since: November 14, 2011
Santa Ana, California
Show Director Phone: (949) 378-4753 Exhibit Director Phone: (949) 378-4753
Vintage & Costume Jewelry & repair. Accessories such as gloves, hats, purses, shoes & tiaras as well.

I also hand make some jewelry and other items such as cloaks and bustles.

I have been doing costume jewelry restoration and repairs for over 15 years - since 1998 in fact! I got started for myself and it's grown into a hobby job with over 40,000 unique items for sale (sorry I can't list em all, you'll have to come to my shows for a full selection! )

In 2013 I began making items both jewelry nand clothing - jewelry from pieces which were unsalvagable for repair but had elements too lovely to discard.  And I started making cloaks and bustles by request and never stopped.  I use fabric for the cloaks and I take 80's dresses to use for the bustles.
Show Promoter/Producer, Craftsperson, Jeweler
vintage costume jewelry and hand made crafts
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