Polished Pooches Puptowne Cafe', Fredericksburg, VA
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yappy Day News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Polished Pooches Puptowne Cafe' is proud to announce........
As some of you already know, we have the following bones available:(sizes are small, medium and large (by request), shapes my vary).
Peanut Butter Puppy Poppers (our Best Seller!!)
*Please be advised: Peanut Butter treats should NOT be handled by anyone with a peanut allergy!! These treats are baked separately to avoid contact w/other products.
Chicken flavored biscuits, Milk Bones
Made with all natural human grade ingredients.
**e-mail your orders to polishedpooches@yahoo.com or call Leslye (the treat baker)@ 571-292-7188 to place your order.
Healthy Tips:
Treats & goddies should not exceeed 10% of your pets regular diet. Don't feel guilty for not giving into those ENORMOUS puppy dog eyes (you know the ones!!) or wagging their tail. They'll still love you!! I promise
Our treats do not contain artificial preservatives, they may be refrigerated or kept in an airtight conatiner to prevent mold and maintain freshess for up to 4-6 weeks.
E-mail us your favorite pics and we'll include them in our next yappy newsletter.
Enclosed you will find a picture of Our "Yappy Meal", (patent pending) includes: one pound of Polished Pooches Puptowne Cafe', one collaspable water bowl, one towel to wipe paws with after the rain, one toy and a important information, like what not to FEED your dog there are 14 listed by the "ASPCA". these sell for $15.00. we also sell and make one pound, 1/2 pound bags. The Yappy Meal makes a great Christmas gift for the Family dog.
Christel & Leslye