Polished Pooches is now Open in Fredericksburg, va for all dog lovers. Polished Pooches is licensed and registered with the Dept of Argiculture in Richmond, va. Our menu: Peanut Butter Puppy Poppers, Milk Bones, Chicken Flavor, and Snickerpoodles. Sofie our dog has tested and tasted all treats for 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We have also come up with our own Yappy Meal, (patent pending), consists of 1 pound of Polished Pooches Puptowne Cafe' Doggie Treats, 1 collaspable water bowl, 1 soft toy to play with, 1 towel to dry off paws after walking in the rain, 1 placemat and a listing of what not to feed your dog.
ASPCA'S 14 foods to avoid feeding your dog!
1. Alcoholic Beverages: can cause intoxication, coma, and death.
2. All forms of Chocolate: contains caffeine, can be toxic to heart and nerous system.
3. Avocado: High fat content can lead to pancreatis.
4. All forms of coffee: same effect as Chocolate.
5. Fatty foods: can cause pancreatis.
6. Moldy or spoiled foods: could contain multiple toxins.
7. Raisens & Grapes: contains toxins which can damage kidneys, cause kidney failure and lead to death.
8. Salt: can cause electrolyte imbalance if eaten in sufficient quantities.
9. Turkey skin: the high fat content can cause pancreatis.
10. Green potato skins, contains a toxin which is found in green tubers and green potato skins. Cooked potatoes are safe and nutritious for dogs.
11. Chicken and fish bones: can splinter and cause lacerations, pose a choking hazard.
12. Sugar: is bad for the teeth and can contribute to the onset of diabetes.
13. Most nuts (walnut, cherry, peach, plum,apple, etc)
14. Onions (none of any kind), will kill dog.