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Polished Pooches Puptowne Cafe', Fredericksburg, VA

Polished Pooches Now Open in Fredericksburg, va

posted December 9, 2009
Polished Pooches Now Open in Fredericksburg, va

Polished Pooches is now Open in Fredericksburg, va for all dog lovers. Polished Pooches is licensed and registered with the Dept of Argiculture in Richmond, va. Our menu: Peanut Butter Puppy Poppers, Milk Bones, Chicken Flavor, and Snickerpoodles. Sofie our dog has tested and tasted all treats for 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We have also come up with our own Yappy Meal, (patent pending), consists of 1 pound of Polished Pooches Puptowne Cafe' Doggie Treats, 1 collaspable water bowl, 1 soft toy to play with, 1 towel to dry off paws after walking in the rain, 1 placemat and a listing of what not to feed your dog.

ASPCA'S 14 foods to avoid feeding your dog!
1. Alcoholic Beverages: can cause intoxication, coma, and death.
2. All forms of Chocolate: contains caffeine, can be toxic to heart and nerous system.
3. Avocado: High fat content can lead to pancreatis.
4. All forms of coffee: same effect as Chocolate.
5. Fatty foods: can cause pancreatis.
6. Moldy or spoiled foods: could contain multiple toxins.
7. Raisens & Grapes: contains toxins which can damage kidneys, cause kidney failure and lead to death.
8. Salt: can cause electrolyte imbalance if eaten in sufficient quantities.
9. Turkey skin: the high fat content can cause pancreatis.
10. Green potato skins, contains a toxin which is found in green tubers and green potato skins. Cooked potatoes are safe and nutritious for dogs.
11.  Chicken and fish bones: can splinter and cause lacerations, pose a choking hazard.
12. Sugar: is bad for the teeth and can contribute to the onset of diabetes.

13. Most nuts (walnut, cherry, peach, plum,apple, etc)

14. Onions (none of any kind), will kill dog.


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