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RI Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission, Providence, RI

Member Since: March 11, 2020
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Providence, Rhode Island

The Rhode Island Historical Preservation & Heritage Commission is the state agency for historical preservation and heritage programs. The Commission operates a statewide historical preservation program that identifies and protects historic buildings, districts, structures, and archaeological sites. The Commission also develops and carries out programs to document and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of Rhode Island's people.

Our state's historic buildings are an important resource for the present and future of Rhode Island. Old buildings provide needed housing and industrial and commercial space. They serve as cultural centers and as educational resources. The state's historic properties are major attractions for Rhode Island's billion-dollar tourism industry.

This site can answer some of your questions about historic buildings, preservation, archaeology, and heritage programs in the State of Rhode Island. If you have further questions, please contact us.

Show Promoter/Producer
#riheritage #rihphc
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