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Red River NM Chamber of Commerce, Red River, NM

Member Since: November 30, -0001
Red River, New Mexico
Show Director Phone: (575) 754-2366

The Red River Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1947 to support and promote the business community of Red River NM and surrounding areas.

In the decades since its founding, the Chamber's board, staff, and volunteers have worked diligently to attract visitors to Red River and stimulate the local economy by hosting annual festival or sporting events.

With the onset of the pandemic in 2020, the Chamber's event-centered focus came to an  abrupt halt. Like many businesses, nonprofits, and even government agencies - the Chamber was forced to close its doors and suspend services. The Chamber joyfully re-opened its doors in September of 2021. Since that time, the Chamber has focused its efforts on member services, and improving the quality of the few events they've retained. These are: the Mardi Gras in the Mountains Friday Night Drink Making Contest since 2008; Vino in the Valley: Red River's Art & Wine Festival since 2004; The 4th of July Parade & Celebration since 1947; and Red River Oktoberfest since 2005.

Show Promoter/Producer, Association/Organization, Event Organizer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
oil, watercolor, chalk, charcoal, colored pencil, clay, bronze, stone, wood - beer, wine, cocktails, spirits, breweries, wineries, distilleries, chefs, culinarians, food, music, art, artisans
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