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Central Ohio Military Museum, Grove City, OH

Member Since: October 30, 2021
Festival biz experience: 12+ years
Grove City, Ohio

Lady-Vet & Business owner Serbennia Davis Served 30-years in US Army as Public Affairs Chief & Photojournalist. Photo images were exhibited in National Veterans Memorial Museum, "Art Inspired by the Front Lines" by Ohio Arts Council and Ohio Veterans Commission. Her "Love & Country Collection" featuring married military couples, was featured at City Hall in Grove City, OH. She has attended and hosted several crafter and vendor events in her community. Currently hosts juried Sip & Shop Shows, American Legion,  Grove City,  OH.
Event Organizer, Show Promoter/Producer, Marketing Services
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Satin, crinoline, tulle - Clothes, Winetasting, shop, crafts, vendors, gifts, jewelry, apparel, food
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