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SLS Productions, Gwynedd, PA

Member Since: January 15, 2005
Festival biz experience: 20+ years
Gwynedd, Pennsylvania
Show Director Phone: (215) 989-2262 Exhibit Director Phone: (215) 989-2262 Food Director Phone: (215) 989-2262 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (215) 989-2262


SLS Productions, is a full service show management, event and fundraising consultant, event and theme party production company serving the regional Philadelphia area.  A trademark feature within home show venues was the special section, Artisans' Row, showcasing professional fine artists and artisans, and a diverse selection of quality antiques and accessories for interior design. 

Stephanie L. Seidner is the owner of SLS Productions. Previous shows produced by Stephanie include: Germantown Academy Antiques, Fine Arts and Craft Show; the Valley Forge Antiques, Fine Arts and Crafts Show at the Valley Forge Convention Center; the North Wales Community Day; and owned and produced Artisans’ Row SLS Presents Antiques, Fine Arts and Crafts as a special feature at the Spring Suburban Home & Garden Show and the Fall Home Show at the Oaks Expo Center. Currently she produces the Arts Festival, Lansdale Day for the Rotary Club of North Penn.


Show Promoter/Producer
Show producer, antique, fine art & craft - community event manager
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