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Springerle Molds and Memories, Ozark, MO

Member Since: May 11, 2018
Festival biz experience: 7+ years
Ozark, Missouri

Company I represent is  based in Switzerland.   I am a (one of two) retailers in the USA of their fine gourmet springerle molds.  These molds have been used to make gingerbread, marzipan, springerle cookies, and ornamernts. 

As a retailer, I am selling their molds and selling gourmet goods and ornaments from these molds.   

Springerle molds come in 1000's of different shapes and sizes and images.   Many of these moldshave been made available  by replicating molds that date back many centuries.  The molds are replicated and often images are "mended" as age erodes the materials made from.   The company has been in  business 30 years ago.   And the tradition has been growing and spreading steadily with the rising interest in cookies.   These gourmet cookies molds are  intricate in design and detail.  While their are stunninglyl beautiful, they are fun to use for one and all. 

Gourmet Food, Retailer, Craftsperson
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
springerle molds, supplies, cookies - springerle, molds, supplies, flavorings, spices, cookies, cookie,
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