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Tucson Celtic Festival Association, Tucson, AZ

Member Since: May 25, 2015
Festival biz experience: 4+ years
Tucson, Arizona
Join us as we celebrate our 37th Annual Tucson Celtic Festival & Scottish Highland Games. The Tucson Celtic Festival & Scottish Highland Games has many options and events to entertain the whole family. The Kids area is always fun for the young ones. We have 3 days of fun filled events. We start off Nov. 3rd, Friday night with a Viking Night concert. Sure to get you in the weekend mood. For all the Celtic fun you can handle. Saturday Nov. 4th brings the Opening Ceremonies of the Highland games. With lots of Highland dancers, Bagpipers, Clans, Celtic Food and vendors. Celtic music on two stages to entertain, along with a third stage for our wonderful dancers. Classic cars on display, Whisky tasting, Tea Room, Sheep herding event, and so much more!  On Sunday Nov. 5th, we have our traditional Kirkin' O' the Tartan and presentation of Trophies and awards. We bring our festival to a close with our Closing Ceremonie at 4pm. Sunday is also our discount day! Let us all come together for some fun in the sun and celebrate our Celtic heritage and enjoy the wonderful displays of Scottish/Irish traditions of food, music, entertainment, and our Highland games. Remember put on that Kilt or a wee bit of plaid and don't forget to wear a smile!
Festival/Event/Show, Entertainment Services, Event Venue
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Celtic, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Music, Heritage, whisky tasting, tea room, Highland games, Car Show, Vendors, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Viking - Scotland, Ireland, Celtic, Highland, Games, Scottish, Irish, Wales, Highland games, Festival, Food, Music, Dancing, Bagpipes, UK, Kids, Adults, Seniors, Military, Veterans, Clans, Athletes, whiskey, classic car show, vendors, fun, family, friends, heritag
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