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Tall Grass Arts Association, Park Forest, IL

Member Since: May 23, 2007
Park Forest, Illinois
Show Director Phone: (708) 439-2424 Exhibit Director Phone: (757) 708-0914 Food Director Phone: (708) 748-1577 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (708) 747-0580
Tall Grass Arts is a not-for-profit arts association serving the southern suburbs of Chicago.  Its gallery hosts exhibits that change every two months and feture artists who are locally and nationally-known but often features emerging artists.  Its school provides classes for children and adults in a variety of media, taught by professional artists.  The association host the annual Park Forest Art Fair, this year in its 58th year.  It is traditionally held on the third weekend of September, from 11 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The art fair is exceptionally artist-friendly with a lovely breakfast on Saturday and an even better dinner on Saturday evening.  The Village of Park Forest hosts a music festival on Saturday.  Fest favorite, the folk music duo Patchouli, performs on Sunday. There are many art activities for children as well as food vendors.  Jurying to become a Gallery Artist and/or to participate in the art fair is open from January to the end of June.  Application is on the website:
Show Promoter/Producer
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
Gallery with rotating exhibit, school and Art Fair - Fine Art - sold in Gallery Gift Shop ad Gallery
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