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Union University, Jackson, TN


posted March 25, 2013   category » The Last Great Art Object
We all as the questions in life what if? Why? We experience struggles and struggle to imagine life to the fullest.  The question I want to ask is: What fuels you as a person, thinker, and a creator?  Dreaming big is hard work and it forces you to depend on something to push you through.   In life we have to do what needs to be done.  Rather it is starting a new diretion or running with a single idea.  Creating pots allows you to believe in a process and letting you see what comes out of it.   It allows your imagination to run wild in the idea of functionality.   There are many things that fuel my imagination and my life. What fuels you? 

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What is Art?

posted March 25, 2013   category » The Last Great Art Object
What is Art?
We all ask ourselves what art is, but we have know answer.  Art is just a word.  That is all.  Art allows one to be themselves, and it also allows them to speak in a way they are not able to use words.  All around you one can see art that has been created by God.  It surronds us, but we have to be willing to open our eyes to it.

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