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Vintage in the Napa Valley, Napa, CA

Member Since: August 23, 2018
Festival biz experience: 8+ years
Napa, California
Co-owner Phone: (707) 363-5434
We are a group of 7 women who work together to put on a vintage Marketplace (Vintage in the Napa Valley) two times a year. The date for the next show is Sept. 28 & 29, 2018. It is held at the Napa Valley Expo, 575 Third St. Napa, CA. There is everything from beautifully refinished, repurposed furniture and items for the home, handcrafted jewelry, and fabulous one of a kind treasures for the home and garden and much more! Our Spring show will be March 29 & 30, 2019.
Antiques/Vintage, Show Promoter/Producer
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