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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Warrenville Park District, Warrenville, IL

Member Since: August 15, 2005
Festival biz experience: 18+ years
Warrenville, Illinois
Show Director Phone: (630) 393-7279 Exhibit Director Phone: (630) 393-7279 Food Director Phone: (630) 393-7279 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (630) 393-7279

Art on the Prairie is hosting the area's finest artists & crafts through out the Midwest.  Glass blowers, wood carvers, watercolor artist, loom weaver, ceramics, photography, fine jewelry are only a few to mention.  Demos will be going on through the art fair for the public to enjoy. 

The Children's Art Station will be open for the young at heart to enjoy creating a Community Splash Painting.  The Hand's on Art Station is free for all to explore and experience the arts.  The Hand's on Art Station is hosted by The Warrenville Park District.  The City of Warrenville Hotel Grant and State of IL Arts Council Grant together with the Warrenville Park District, and Warrenville Library are the event sponsors.  Information is available at or by emailing

Show Promoter/Producer, Artist, Artist-Crafter
Art Fair Organizer
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