Women's Resource Center in Alamance County, Burlington, NC
The Women's Resource Center in Alamance County hosts the Herb Festival each year to provide Triad-area gardeners with the highest quality organic herbs, perennials, annuals, heirloom tomato and vegetable plants and specially-selected vendors.
Many of our customers return every year to purchase plants they can't find anywhere else in the area. Master Gardener volunteers will be on hand to answer your questions. All proceeds support the programs and services of the Women's Resource Center in Alamance County.
The festival offers unique varieties and old favorites of superior-quality organic herb plants, heirloom tomato and vegetable plants, perennials and annuals all supplied from local North Carolina farms and greenhouses. We purchase our plants only from superior-quality suppliers.
Vendors will be selling artistic items for home and garden.
Sneak Preview Ticketed Event: $30 entry fee: Thursday evening, April 25th, (06:00 pm - 08:00 pm)
OPEN to Public $5.00 entry fee: Friday, April 26, 2024 (8:30 am-7:00 pm) and Saturday, April 27, 2024 (8:30 am-1:00 pm).