....all these posts are years ago?? Are you still working craft fairs? Let's get this forum started again!
MYDD Apparel
Tuesday, August 13, 2024 05:29 am EDT
I am just starting to use festival net, so I must say I am disappointed also. I am still working craft fair.
I have been doing craft shows, fairs, etc for about 3 years now. I don't do shows every month anymore. i started doing more customer orders and preparing for shows around event and and holidays. From my experiences, you need 2 have a calendar for production that covers the year and calendar of shows you want to be a vendor at. Use the calendars 2 build your inventory accordingly and remember to be mindful of your audience attending your events. By the time Christmas arrived in 2023 last year , most of my customer were using credit cards and not cash. which made me think the first part of this year was going to be slow, and at least for me it was. This year sales have been good at shows (not great but good). I hope holiday sales will be better. May the last 2 quarters of 2024 be profitable for of us all...
look forward to hearing from other and how thing are going for y'all. MYDDCART05