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North Carolina Getting the Last Laugh

Pops' Shop Woodworking, GA

Pops' Shop Woodworking, GA

Thursday, August 13, 2015 07:09 pm EDT
We knew that the great state of Tennessee has been cracking down on Craft Show Vendors (yep, you and me) to send them sales tax on our gross sales. Some places even make you keep a log of all sales. We didn't used to collect it - a $20 sales was a $20 sale. NOW - we collect. We just got accepted to a new (for us) show in North Carolina. With the acdeptance letter was a letter from the NC Dept of Revenue. The acceptance letter advised us that the promotor sned a list of all vendors AND their Sales and Use Tax number to the State of NC and would we please send them our number - they also told us how to get said number. OK, NC folks, we WILL be collecting Sales Tax from y'all. Oh, forgot to mention - Wife and I are retired and this is just a little stick money to help us out. Now that some states are forcing us to collect tax means that they will forward this information to IRS and that means that the Federal Government will get in our business again. Pay the additional income tax on our meager sales (and all the other headaches it entails) or stop crafting - that has now become the question for a good number of crafters I have talked to lately. What do y'all think. Fred
Market Bag Lady

Market Bag Lady

Thursday, September 3, 2015 07:15 pm EDT
I'm retired and alone plus myincome is below poverty level. l Should our state(MA) ever decide to do this I will just sell by word of mouth. I think only a few of use doing this kind of "business" have it as their sole income. I wonder if you are over a certain age you are exempt from this? Lee
Market Bag Lady

Market Bag Lady

Thursday, September 3, 2015 07:16 pm EDT
P.S. Since I am so new to this, is there any way to edit a post once posted?
By the River Designs LLC

By the River Designs LLC

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 11:34 am EDT
I have been doing craft shows for about 7 years now (in Wisconsin) and it never really bothered me to pay the sales tax. It comes from the customers anyway so it does not really come out of my pocket. I usually include the sales tax right in the price and even it out to the nearest quarter so making change is easy!
Leanne Howie Photography

Leanne Howie Photography

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 05:05 pm EDT
I've always collected taxes on what was sold in CA. It's not a big deal, especially when you use Square to do your transactions. Good luck.