IMPORTANT: Our support staff is based in Asheville, NC and has no Internet. Water and electricity are not back on in most residences. We have one staff person using their hot spot to clear emails once a day. Please expect delays if you leave voicemail. Email is preferred. Red Cross Hurricane Relief
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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .
Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an .

Under the Lights Car Show and Festival, Boca Raton, Florida

The Compassionate Friends

Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:52 am EDT
The Compassionate Friends, a non profit organization is hosting their annual Car Show and Festival on October 19, 2012 If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact Gail at Inside space with 8 ft table provided is only $20. Deadline Oct 5. Visit our website for information regarding the organization as well as flier for event