Monday, May 10, 2010 02:02 pm EDT
An event not listed on this fine website contacted me via another source that apparently does not have an open rating system. I love the numerical rating box & information when searching shows that is provided on FNO. Anyway I had done the Dallas CityArts show last year, when is was outside, and thought it good enough to try again. This year is was inside at Fair Park. It was the defining model for a cluster-Uhhh messup. The promoter blamed the city for not advertising and the city returned the blame. Their cute little sign at one entrance was hard to see a few feet away, but then I do need a new eye exam. I thought it a fine time to get some work done and have long chats with old artists friends. But spilled some thin runny chili on my pants, from a chilidog, when an irate artist almost attacked the Dallas 500 volunteers in the hospitality room. He was expelled yelling, "Class Action Lawsuit"…whew. Also, try as I may, I could not swallow $300 worth of bread & peanut butter to make up for the booth fee. It does make me angry to think of some promotion company laughing all the way to the bank… there were three hundred artists and some with 2 or 3 booth spots. At $300 a single space someone mad a tidy sum. So if anyone knows where to get cheep tar and chicken feathers, we might have a fun time, but leave the poor volunteers alone. Thay are dupes and suckers just like the rest of us when a promoter goes bad. Once again FNO has my heartfelt gratitude for their 'rate this show' system, wish everyone did!