Leaving ratings
Help is all, if you have done a listed show, please leave a rating. Suggestions:
Rate what you see, not what you hear.
Info on the following is very helpful.
How is the set up tear down - food and art/craft - on grass, asphalt,concrete?
What is the crowd like - young old, eaters, drinkers, buying, looking etc.
How are the promoters - selling real estate, concerned, helpful, honest etc.
Are the fees reasonable for the return.
Do you have what is needed readily available - electric, water, etc.
Is the show in one area or spread all over the place.
If sales were down, what to you attribute that to - weather,economy of the area?
Any potential or actual problems you can see?
The more information, the better for all of us.
β’ Latest reply 13 years ago by Festivalnet.Com - Asheville