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Please call us 800-200-3737 or send an email.


Stow Historical Society, Stow, OH

Member Since: June 2, 2013
Festival biz experience: 15+ years
Stow, Ohio
Show Director Phone: (330) 696-9286 Exhibit Director Phone: (330) 696-9286 Food Director Phone: Entertainment Dir. Phone:
Stow Historical Society is a nonprofit organization holding an annual Harvest Festival the last weekend in September/first weekend in October at Heritage Reserve Park, 5120 Young Road, Stow, Ohio 44224. Artists, crafters, food, entertainment, homemade apple butter and historic home tours are available. There is no admission charge. Proceeds from the festival support our museum collection and historic buildings. If you are a vendor interested in a festival booth, please complete and mail the application found on our website or email for further information. This festival has been in the same location for over 40 years.
Show Promoter/Producer, Festival/Event/Show, Association/Organization
Medium/Materials - Products/Tags
crafters - handmade craft items
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