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Yin-yang cat wine glass

$20 Out of Stock
Please note the photo is of two glasses to show color options. However the price is per glass.

This Yin-yang cat design of a mom and kitten cat sleeping wrapped around each other. I have etched them on my large wine glasses. This beautifully hand etched symbol is created on a blue top with clear stem wine glass, or clear top with green stem wine glass that holds 18.5 ounces.

I am able to also etch these on large clear wine glasses or a green top with clear stem.

Be the toast of your own party with these beautifully hand etched Yin-yang cat wine glasses.

ALL Thru Sherri’s Eyes pieces feature a “true glass etch” using a hand held dremel, and not glass etching chemicals. There may be slight variations.

Also included with each of my pieces is an Artist's Certificate of Authenticity.

Many custom designs available! Have an upcoming event or wedding? Contact me for custom pieces to suit your needs and desires.
Tags: Wine glass, cats, animals, yin-yang, unique, hand etched