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Sing to me (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Help raise money

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Seven Story Fall - Sing to Me (Official Music Video)
Awards: Rock song of the year - IMEA Awards 2013 // Best pop rock song & Best pop rock video - The Akademia Awards 2013
Director: Hunter Kennedy
Camera Director by Dan Landoni
new album "Stories & Analogies"
Shooting location: Pittsburgh,PA (DOWNTOWN,MT WASHINGTON,SOUTH SIDE)
label: Tate music group

Purchase “Sing to me” (single)
MP3 - $0.99
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Purchase "Stories & Analogies" Full length album
Digital Album - $9.99
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Physical Album - $13.99
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Album/shirt combo package - $21.50
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Song Info:
Artist: Seven Story Fall
Song: Sing to me
Album: Stories & Analogies
Label: Tate music group
Awards: Rock song of the year - IMEA Awards 2013 / Best pop rock song & Best pop rock video - Akademia Awards 2013
New songs from the debut full length album 'Stories & Analogies'
Release date of album: August 20 2013
Hunter Kennedy & Seven Story Fall LLC. own all rights to this video and audio.

All music and vocals written/recorded by: Hunter Kennedy
Tracks: 1,2,4,6,8,9,12 (produced by: Josh Dougan - Tate Studios - Mustang,OK)
Tracks: 3,5,7,10,11 (produced by: Erik Ron - Grey Area Studios - North Hollywood,CA)
All songs mastered by: Sterling Sound

Track listing:
1. We are not alone
2. To take on the world together
3. Sing to me
4. End of the road
5. Say it
6. Im not your guy
7. Better off on my own
8. This town
9. Hollywood bound
10. Lost in time
11. My gift to you
12. The collapse

Album Story:
This album follows the story of 2 very similar people (Hunter & Alexandria) and their journey from finding their places in the world to their relationship with each other to the realization that words are not enough anymore to fix the world when NYC is attacked by a large destructive force, this happens during a visit to the city to promote their campaigns against some of the worlds worst problems big and small, this ultimately brings them back together after a break and concludes the story with the crowd around them standing up fed up saying we won't take this anymore introducing to us the main group of characters who will lead the resistant rebel army into war in part 2 (coming soon!) for the full part 1 of the story scroll down the main page on my website - read indulge, but decide for yourself afterwards will you be the problem, or will you become the solution.

For all info 7sf go to:
All songs available on iTunes, physical albums available on , and many other sites worldwide!