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Her Honey Herbal Enhancement

Nature's Way to Spice Things Up
This potent blend of orange blossom honey and all-natural ingredients is a natural aphrodisiac! This herbal supplement encourages excitement and arouses intimacy in a safe, all-natural way. The herbal ingredients used have been recommended by physicians as a safe solution for increasing female sexual function. Not only this, this blend is a natural mood-lifter and very beneficial to women's health. It eases the symptoms of menopause, and the royal jelly used helps to slow the onset of aging and regulate the metabolism. 16 oz. Her Honey

Ingredients: Orange blossom honey, clover honey, royal jelly, damiana, gingko biloba, black seed oil, ginseng, licorice, saw palmetto, ginger, dong quai, nettles, rose flower, saw palmetto fruit, bee pollen, pumpkin seed oil, and flax seed oil. 16 oz.