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UnderCover 10'x10' Craft Show Canopy Package

10'x10' Craft Show Canopy with Curtain Walls, Wheel-Bag, Spikes

Simply the Best Choice in Canopies. Best in durability, best in ease-of-operation, best in quality, best in design, best in overall eye appeal.

FEATURES: Solid-Core Aluminum Octagonal Truss , 600-D Polyester Vented Top, Peak-Pole Extender, One-Handed Releases, UV-Block, Heat Reflective Fabric, Fire Code CPAI-84 & NFPA-701, Functional Wheel-Bag, Super Gravity-Stake Anchors

UNDERCOVER® is a Colorado-based company with over 20 years of experience in serving America's outdoor living category. Our leading design innovations are setting a new standard of quality, function, and value.
Contact us for any additional questions at 720-222-2523
Tags: canopy craft show instant canopy popup undercover best