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The Patented WaterMonster is the first portable self-serving bulk water dispenser that is lightweight and stackable. Equipped with multiple outlets and various add-on accessories, our water dispensing tanks offer refreshing solutions for event managers and volunteers.

The 125-gallon tank capacity is equivalent to:

1,000 16oz water bottles.
3,000 Paper cups
25 Five gallon water coolers
Our food grade tanks are perfect for:

Improving bulk water distribution for events
Hydrating large outdoor crowds
Simplifying water aid stations
Eliminating heavy lifting
Reducing plastic bottle waste
Revenue generating advertising billboards
Water Dispensing Tanks
Product Features:

Six Spigots
1 Hose Bib
1" Drain Valve
Tags: potable water, filter water, bulk water, green, sustainable, cooler, hydration, tank, portable