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Sensitive Skin Facial Set

This four piece facial set includes: Sensitive Skin Face Wash (for exfoliation), Skin Toner (tones and open pores), Serum (nourishes and brightens) and Moisturizer (protects).

#1 Sensitive Skin Face Wash:
Happy Face Beauty, Sensitive Skin Face Wash, exfoliates, cleanses, and revitalizes your skin using gentle, 100% natural, vegan ingredients!

Exfoliation is very important for our skin. The top layer of our skin is naturally sloughing off and the next new layer of skin is ready to show itself. When the layers of skin are not exfoliated off they can clump up and fill our pores, this allows bacteria to build up which can cause both acne and wrinkles. Using, Happy Face Sensitive Skin Face Wash, will stop this from happening as well as prepare your skin for Step #2 Happy Face Sensitive Skin Toner.

Directions for use:
Use approximately a tablespoon of dry product in your hand or small mixing container. Add just enough water to create a paste, apply to your face gently in a circular motion. o(^_~)O
It can also be used as a facial mask.

-Grape Seed Oil helps tighten and tone your skin and is known to be a powerful antioxidant which helps reduce the likelihood of both acne and wrinkles. It is ideal for all skin types.
-Carrot Seed Essential Oil is full of Vitamin E and Cartenoids. Cartenoids decrease damage caused by UV light. It will tone your skin as well as work as a powerful anitoxidant. It also increases circulation which helps bring vitamins and minerals to your skin through your bloodstream. All of which helps reduce wrinkles and also diminishes the chances of wrinkles and acne being created.
-Rosemary Essential Oil has cell renewal abilities that helps rejuvenate skin and rid the skin of antioxidants which helps reduce and prevent wrinkles. 
-Lemongrass Essential Oil is a powerful, natural astringent that cleanses your skin of bacteria which causes acne and blackheads.
-Flax seed Meal works as an all natural exfoliating agent. It will gently exfoliate your skin while moisturizing it using the naturally occurring Omega 3,6, and 9.
-Organic Oats have been used for years to soothe skin, many parents use it when their children have chicken pocks because it eases the itching. It also helps moisturize by softening the skin and helping with elasticity.
-Kaolin Clay is absorbent and helps pull oils and dirt out of the pores of your skin. It also has a soothing effect, and will not dry out your skin in the process.
-Organic Almonds are a natural exfoliator and work as an antiinflamamtory because of the naturally occurring Omega 3,6, and 9.

#2 Sensitive Skin Toner:
Happy Face, Sensitive Skin Toner, opens your pores, cleanses and tones your skin using gentle, 100% natural, vegan ingredients!

Our all natural witch hazel will pH balance your skin using an alcohol-free witch hazel that will not dry out your skin.

Directions for use: Spray liberally on face and neck.
Shake well before each use.

-Tea Tree Essential Oil is an all natural anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti microbial agent.
-Geranium Essential Oil corrects our skin's pH level which helps balance both oily and dry skin. It is also used in aromatherapy to calm and relax feelings of stress and anxiety. 
-All Natural Alcohol-free Witch Hazel corrects your skins pH and tones your skin and opens your pores so they are ready to take in Step #3 Sensitive Skin Serum. 
Distilled Water

#3 Sensitive Skin Serum:
Happy Face, Sensitive Skin Serum, brightens, soothes, and nourishs your skin using gentle 100% natural, vegan ingredients!

Our skin has a natural oil barrier called an acid layer or sebum. This is oil that the body naturally produces to protect itself from bacteria and other contaminants. When we cleanse our face we remove that natural oil layer. Our Sensitive Serum's major ingredient is jojoba oil which is the same molecular size as our natural acid layer, this means that it is able to move freely through the pores allowing the essential oils to nourish your skin from the inside out.

Directions for use: Drip 4-5 drops of serum into your clean hands. Apply in a soft, upward motion, from neck to head <(-_~<)

-Jojoba Oil is the same molecular size as our skins natural oil layer or sebum allowing it to truly be able to penetrate your pores. It is very good at softening your skin and helping minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
-Geranium Essential Oil corrects our skin's pH level which helps balance both oily and dry skin. It is also used in aromatherapy to calm and relax feelings of stress and anxiety. 
-Carrot Seed Essential Oil is full of Vitamin E and Cartenoids. Cartenoids decrease damage caused by UV light. It will tone your skin as well as work as a powerful anitoxidant. It also increases circulation which helps bring vitamins and minerals to your skin through your bloodstream. All of which helps reduce wrinkles and also diminishes the chances of wrinkles and acne being created.
-Grapefruit Essential Oil is an amazing antiinflammatory. It reduces inflammation by increasing circulation allowing nutrients to reach your skin through your bloodstream. It is also a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic. Both help prevent and treat acne.
-Grape Seed Oil helps tighten and tone your skin and is known to be a powerful antioxidant which helps reduce the likelihood of both acne and wrinkles. It is ideal for all skin types.

Now you're ready for the last step to healthy skin...

#4 Sensitive Skin Moisturizer:
Happy Face, Sensitive Skin Moisturizer, hydrates, protects, and soothes your skin using 100% natural, vegan ingredients!

Our skin takes a beating every from the world and the products we come in contact with. It's important to add Step #4 Sensitive Skin Moisturizer to your daily routine because it will protect your skin from daily life. The coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, and the aloe vera will heal our skin throughout the day and night. Each ingredient is added specifically to protect, moisturizer and nourish your skin.

Directions for use: Take a small amount and apply in upward movements, from neck to forehead.

-Jojoba Oil is the same molecular size as our skins natural oil layer or sebum allowing it to truly be able to penetrate your pores. It is very good at softening your skin and helping minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
-Rosemary Essential Oil has cell renewal abilities that helps rejuvenate skin and rid the skin of antioxidants which helps reduce and prevent wrinkles. 
-Grapefruit Essential Oil is an amazing antiinflammatory. It reduces inflammation by increasing circulation allowing nutrients to reach your skin through your bloodstream. It is also a powerful antioxidant and antiseptic. Both help prevent and treat acne.
-Lemongrass Essential Oil is a powerful, natural astringent that cleanses your skin of bacteria which causes acne and blackheads.
-Coconut Oil (virgin, cold pressed) is not only known for its antibacterial qualities but it also is full of Omega 3, 6, and 9 which not only reduce inflammation but also nourish your skin giving it increased elasticity and strength. Coconut Oil also has natural UV protection with an SPF of 10.
-Grape Seed Oil helps tighten and tone your skin and is known to be a powerful antioxidant which helps reduce the likelihood of new wrinkles. It is ideal for all skin types.
-Organic Aloe Vera protects your skin from the elements and is widely known to heal burns, scars, acne, and wrinkles
-Vegetable Glycerin is a completely natural preservative for your skin. It helps hold in moisture which reduces the likelihood of creating wrinkles.

It is recommended to use the products in the order listed above.

With this grouping of products you will be able to give yourself facials at home with products you can trust are good for your skin. Each piece of the set compliments the next leaving you with a nourished, radiant face.

5% of your purchase goes to support The Breast Cancer Research Foundation!

Made with love in Aloha, OR
Tags: aloe, aloe vera, anti aging eye serum, cellulite, clay mask, coconut oil, face mask, face wash, facial, facial cleanser, facial scrub, glycerin, grapseed oil, handmade, moisturizer, lotion, Natural Eye Cream, natural skin care, vegan, shower