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3 Ways to Get More Music Fans Fast

posted February 8, 2022   category » Musician Tips
3 Ways to Get More Music Fans Fast

As a musician, you want to always be trying new ideas for ways to get more fans. Of course, music is subjective and at the end of the day you can begin to feel more like a salesperson and less like an artist. You want your music to be able to speak for itself. Unfortunately, we live in very fickle times, and it can be difficult for even the best musicians to gain any traction.

Here are three ways how to get more fans and boost your musical presence:

Interact With Your Existing Fans

If you're looking for how to get more fans, you have to engage your existing audience. This means not only setting up accounts on social media platforms, but monitoring and participating in those spheres. You do not want to set up a page and leave it. You are going to want to answer every single post or comment that is made on your social media page (or at least as many as you can) to get results. Do it honestly and quickly. Not only will this help retain existing fans, but the interactions will draw in their networks to increase your fan base.

Pro Member Tip: Consider Searching by "All Years"

posted January 31, 2022   category » Member Tools
Pro Member Tip: Consider Searching by "All Years"
We know how important it is for artists, vendors, and entertainers to have access to up-to-date show info.  FestivalNet lists events of all sizes and types from coast to coast in North America, however, we will only have one listing per event.  That means, there are plenty of events right now with 2021 information still showing.  It is the nature of a database the size of ours for events to get updated a handful of months before its start date.

🤠 Special FestivalNet Call for Vendors from Texas Fest

posted January 20, 2022   category » Event Highlights
🤠 Special FestivalNet Call for Vendors from Texas Fest
FestivalNet All Member News

Attention all visual artists, crafters, antiques and vendors -  register today to receive early-bird registration pricing and to reserve the best booth locations for 2022!

Don't miss this opportunity to put your brand in front of thousands of potential customers. Early-bird registration ends 1/30/2022.

Learn more below and thank you for being part of FestivalNet!

TexasFest is proud to announce it's Spring schedule!

🎨 FestivalNet Call for Artists from Pacific Fine Arts Festivals

posted January 20, 2022   category » FestivalNet News & Promotions
🎨 FestivalNet Call for Artists from Pacific Fine Arts Festivals
FestivalNet All Member News

Don't Miss Out on
Pacific Fine Arts Festivals'
February 1st Deadlines!

Events with February 1st deadline*

Belmont Handcrafted Originals Art Fair
Arts & Crafts, March 26 & 27, 2022  
Carlmont Village Shopping Center in Belmont, CA
More information

Saratoga Fine Arts Show
Fine Arts & Fine Crafts, April 30 & May 1, 2022  
West Valley College campus. 14000 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
More information

Montclair Village Art Walk
Arts & Crafts, May 21 & 22, 2022  
Mountain Boulevard and La Salle, Oakland (off Hwy 13 and near Piedmont)
More information

Obsession Wine & Art Festival
Fine Arts & Fine Crafts, June 11 & 12, 2022  
Ironstone Vineyards, 1894 Six Mile Rd., Murphys, CA
More information

Palo Alto Festival of the Arts
Fine Arts & Fine Crafts, August 27 & 28, 2022  
University Avenue between High and Webster Streets in Palo Alto, CA 
More information

*February 1st is the first of our event applications' deadlines. We do accept applications after deadlines for waiting list consideration, however late applications are considered after the selection process has occurred and event participants are chosen. If your work is a good fit for your requested event and space remains available in your medium, your work will be accepted, otherwise it will be considered for the waiting list.

We're optimistic about 2022

We've navigated almost two years of Covid and as of today we feel optimistic about moving forward with events. The vaccine and boosters are widely available. We know that properly wearing masks (K-N95s and N-95s are currently the suggested versions for best protection), hand washing/hand sanitizer and giving each other space helps to keep the virus from spreading. Most importantly we know to stay home if we're feeling sick. We can "live with the virus" if we work together to protect each other. We've missed the energy of the shows, seeing our old friends and meeting new ones! Looking forward to getting together safely and to a very happy, healthy and successful 2022! 


Dana and Troy Hale-Mounier, Directors
Pacific Fine Arts Festivals
Ph 209/267-4394  
PO Box 280 Pine Grove, Ca 95665

18 Ways Musicians Can Make Money

posted January 19, 2022   category » Musician Tips
18 Ways Musicians Can Make Money

1. CD Sales: If you’re going to be playing live shows, having CDs on hand is still a good idea. They make great takeaway souvenirs that can easily be signed by band members.

2. Vinyl Sales: If you’ll be playing live shows, printing a small batch of vinyls to offer at your merch table can help generate extra income. Data on vinyl album sales in the United States from 1993 to 2020 shows consistent growth since 2006, and in 2020 a total of 27.5 million vinyl albums were sold, up by over 30 percent percent from the previous year.

3. Digital Sales:  Offer digital download purchases through your own website to make the most money, but also through online retailers. Online retailers take a percentage of sales. Some digital distributors that place your music in stores like iTunes and Amazon will take a cut on top of that.

Artists: Consider Your Entry Thoughtfully and Strategically

posted January 3, 2022   category » Artist Resources
Artists: Consider Your Entry Thoughtfully and Strategically

Whether you are applying for a juried art festival or to be considered in a gallery show, you want to put your best foot forward and make an outstanding impression. Here's an article from our archives helping you achieve the best possible outcome as an artist applying to showcase your work at events like art fairs and craft shows.

Read the application/prospectus thoroughly and determine how your work can best match the stated premise or expectation of the juried exhibition, craft show, book, or magazine. Know your audience and speak consistently to it from images to applications.

10 Do's and Dont's of Buying a Business

posted December 28, 2021   category » Small Business Resources
10 Do's and Dont's of Buying a Business

New Year brings new ventures! If you are considering a new business in 2022, check out article with great suggestions and tips.

From finding the right business or franchise to buy, to finally accepting the keys to the front door - buying a business can be an extremely frustrating exercise. It is important that you plan and implement each and every step in sequence and avoid the many caverns on the road to completing the deal.

The following 10 points should always be in the back of your mind.

1. Do not buy or invest in a business that you do not understand or are not familiar with. This does not mean that you have to know every detail of the management and operation of that specific business. Hopefully, you will receive specific training from the current owner. What it does mean is that you should, at the very least understand the primary principles of the business.

❄️ Wishing you Warm and Wondrous Holidays! ❄️

posted December 23, 2021   category » FestivalNet News & Promotions
❄️ Wishing you Warm and Wondrous Holidays! ❄️
Happy Holidays
As another year comes to a close, we can reflect on the resilience we share to keep going when times are hard.

To all the creative people, promoters, performers, chefs, artists, & small businesses who keep showing up to provide your services to the people, we see you... Your art, food, music, and passion is the backbone of the events market. We need you and each other now more than ever.

To all our members from coast to coast, thank you. Wishing you very well, good health, wealth, and a safe holiday season.

Holiday Schedule

Our office will be mostly closed from Christmas Eve until Monday, January 3rd to allow our staff rest & reprieve. Member tech support and order related emails will be handled daily with the exception of Christmas Day and New Years Day. If you need support with your membership, please email during that time. Thanks!

Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you.” – Jon Bon Jovi

  ✨ From the FestivalNet Staff ✨

Sharpen Your Creative Edge

posted December 21, 2021   category » Musician Tips
Sharpen Your Creative Edge

If you are trying to make it in music today, it is likely that you're writing at least some of your own songs. This can be a daunting task considering the seemingly inexhaustible volumes of music in the world today. And yet, the hits just keep coming. (Granted not all the music you hear on the radio is created equally, but I digress.) So what can you do to make your songs the best they can possibly be? Let's chat.

1. Be A Student

This could seem like a pretty basic concept, maybe one from which you feel you've graduated. There is an argument, however, for lifelong learning. There are always ways to improve. And when you improve your musicianship, you will unwittingly (or maybe wittingly) advance your songwriting chops. So, maybe you're a guitar player? How often do you practice on a daily basis?

Get Rolling! Food Truck Basics

posted December 14, 2021   category » Festival Food Vendors
Get Rolling!  Food Truck Basics

Whether you use a cart, trailer or vehicle, there are certain requirements that you must meet before you can light up those grills and flat tops!  The authorities must be convinced that your food business meets their standards.

In addition to a permit, there will be a full inspection of your food cart or truck before you receive authorization to serve the public your food!


Food safety is obviously a major issue in public health, and the equipment you use must be appropriate and safe as well. Each state will have its own set of laws so be sure to research your area before buying anything!

For example, if you operate a pushcart in Dallas, your container can be no longer than 6 feet. Furthermore, the roof vents of your container should prevent dust and flies from entering.

The 20 Best Places to Celebrate the Holidays Across the US

posted December 9, 2021   category » Inspiration
The 20 Best Places to Celebrate the Holidays Across the US

As the days shorten and nights become longer, many cities across the US have found ways to lighten and lifts our spirits by embracing the magic of this time of year. Festivals, and events fill the streets and enrich our days and nights all over the country. Snow piled forests and frozen rivers offer a magical ambiance with winter recreational activities providing an added excitement.

While many are familiar with the iconic and beautiful holiday displays put on in New York City, between the traffic and tourists, it certainly wouldn’t be considered a winter wonderland-esk experience. So what are the cities and towns that can truly give you the breath taking and magical winter wonderland experience, combined with the holiday cheer and livelihood of shopping, event and festivals? To find out, Rocket Homes conducted a study to ranks the best places all over the US to experience a winter wonderland that also offer a variety of holiday festivals and events.

Important Qualities of an Effective Event Producer

posted December 7, 2021   category » Event Promoter Tips
Important Qualities of an Effective Event Producer

How do you become the best manager for a successful event? According to research, the most desired quality in prospective managers is a good personality. Surprisingly, an individual is more likely to be hired based on their character rather than their skill set. The specific personality traits that topped the list were drive, creativity, and open-mindedness.

So how can you take this knowledge to improve your event management skills? See the list below for a list of the top 5 qualities that make up a sussessful event manager.

Wishing you a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

posted November 24, 2021   category » FestivalNet News & Promotions
Wishing you a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Wishing you a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!
Greetings FestivalNet Community,

If it wasn't for the people that make events possible, we wouldn't be here. To the promoters, artists, performers, food vendors, service providers, crafters, attendees, fans, vendors, organizers, and everyone else who is a part of our community, we are grateful for you.

We wish you a peaceful Thanksgiving holiday, blessings, and good health.

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." ― Eckhart Tolle

Happy Thanksgiving!
From the FestivalNet Staff

🎨 6 Myths About The Artist's Life

posted November 18, 2021   category » Artist Resources
🎨 6 Myths About The Artist's Life

I've been drawing from the time I was old enough to clutch a crayon in a pudgy hand. There was never a doubt about what I'd be when I grew up; my dreams were clear and well-defined.

I would be an artist.

However. . . I've come to realize those youthful dreams about what it meant to be an artist were in error. Here are 6 of my early misconceptions:

1. The life of an artist is easy

All I had to do was make art, right? No nine-to-five job. No commute. Just stand (or sit) at an easel and paint things I loved to paint. How difficult is that?

🎵 What Every Musician Needs To Know About The Sound Guy

posted November 9, 2021   category » Musician Tips
🎵 What Every Musician Needs To Know About The Sound Guy

As much time as you spend in your rehearsal space perfecting your sound, it won't mean anything if it's botched coming out of the PA. All the money you spent on new pedals, amps, guitars and strings doesn't matter if the mix is off in the club.The sound guy (or gal) is the most important component of your show that most bands don't really think about. He (going with he for this piece out of ease - and most are men) can break your set (few sound guys can actually MAKE your set if you suck).

5 Ways to Make Your Art Booth a Little More Customer-Friendly

posted November 1, 2021   category » Artist Resources
5 Ways to Make Your Art Booth a Little More Customer-Friendly

Showcasing your work at art festivals, craft shows, or any other event is a great opportunity to gain exposure. So, the more you can do to make your booth customer-friendly, the greater chance you have of selling your work and gaining new potential customers. Here are a few tips that have worked well for me:

1. Label your pieces clearly

The first two questions customers tend to ask when viewing your work often involve medium and price.

Putting labels on each piece that state the title, size, medium and price will answer those questions before you even have a conversation with your customer, letting them quickly decide if they're interested in knowing more about your technique or purchasing your work. Remember, your booth is functioning partly as a store—you probably don't like to ask what everything costs when you go shopping, and neither do your customers.

🎃 Discover Halloween Festivals on FestivalNet!

posted October 15, 2021   category » Event Highlights
🎃 Discover Halloween Festivals on FestivalNet!

People love a reason to get outside and celebrate and holidays provide a great reason to do just that. 

From halloween parades, to fall craft shows and music festivals, FestivalNet is happy to see so many events coming back to life this year!

The 31st annual Sea Witch Festival in Delaware looks like a spectacular holiday extravaganza! From a costume parade, to live music, many arts and crafts vendors, tons of kids activities and entertainment, A HAUNTED BEACH BONFIRE, and a SEA WITCH HUNT... there really is something for everyone at this Halloween Festival. This looks like one great reason to go to Delaware in the fall!

Musicians: How To Write the Perfect Cold Booking Email!

posted October 11, 2021   category » Musician Tips
Musicians: How To Write the Perfect Cold Booking Email!

Like everything else in the music, booking needs to be approached like a business. The first step is gaining some understanding of who you're trying to contact. If you were a venue owner and your email inbox lit up with 20 booking emails every day, would you respond to everyone? Probably not. You'd only respond to the ones that stand out.

Do Some Research

Spamming every venue in town with the same pitch isn't going to do you much good. That's where a majority of amateur musicians make their mistake. They don't realize that talent buyers have seen it all and can pick out serious inquiries from punks with a computer.

The key to a serious inquiry is research. Before even considering where you would like to play, make a list of every venue at your disposal and learn as much as you can about them. What's the booking agent's name? What's the capacity? What does their upcoming calendar look like? If it appears that you’re not a good fit, don't waste your time reaching out. You only get one chance at a first impression, after all.