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Florida Rock Stars, Homestead, FL

Member Since: July 16, 2014
Homestead, Florida
Show Director Phone: (305) 496-2962 Exhibit Director Phone: (305) 951-3156 Food Director Phone: (305) 951-3156 Entertainment Dir. Phone: (305) 951-3156

Florida Rock Stars is dedicated to preserving rock and roll music and culture in South Florida. Our mission is to bring back rock!  We are also big believers in raising awareness and money for charity organizations in South Florida. To deliver on our dual missions, we created the Food and Rock Festival concert series and this website.  Let the Rock Stars Nation rise.

No knock on other music, but they just don’t make ‘em like they used to. We like songs with guitars in them. Yea, there – we said it. Bring back Rock!

Florida Rock Stars is a marketing and promotion company focused on bands, music venues and businesses.  We very effective in what we do and deliver on what we say.  We accomplish this by providing unique marketing opportunities via our highly successful Florida Rock Stars – branded food and music festivals, other special events and the Florida Rock Stars website. Additionally, our social media network is growing by the day.  Building the Rock Stars Nationwill take some time but its coming just the same.  ROCK ON!

If you like our cause and want to connect to good music and good times, we invite you to become a fellow Rock Star.  Hey – that’s good business.


Show Promoter/Producer, Entertainment Services, Band
Business promotion and advertising
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