We scale your images down so it is not exactly possible to blow them up to a printable size for profit or personal use. Without the source image, in high resolution format, it is near impossible to recreate the image in a high enough quality to print it for display.
All artists who post their work on the web face this concern. Another option is to add a watermark over your image before uploading it.
Tags: artist, artwork, concerns, image, images, photo, photograph, plagiarism, print, upload, use, watermark
Uploaded photos must be a minimum of 320 pixels wide for a quality image display. Anything below this size will not be allowed.
Profile Picture
Tags: gallery, image, images, media, photo, photograph, picture, pictures, profile, shop, upload
We scale your images down so it is not exactly possible to blow them up to a printable size for profit or personal use. Without the source image, in high resolution format, it is near impossible to recreate the image in a high enough quality to print it for display.
All artists who post their work on the web face this concern. Another option is to add a watermark over your image before uploading it.
Tags: artist, artwork, concerns, image, images, marketplace, photo, photograph, plagiarism, print, products, sell, sellers, upload, use, watermark
You may upload 5 images per item. File types supported are jpg, jpeg, gif, & png. Please do not upload small thumbnail sized images! They will appear blurry when they are resized to fit the available space.
The recommended image shape is square if you want to avoid your image being cropped or changed in an odd way, when shown with the item, keep your image somewhere between 360 to 800 pixels wide. Our suggested minimum width is 360 pixels. Keep in mind images wider than 800 pixels will be resized.
The limit for all photos included with an item's listing is 100 MiB (104.86 MB), and the maximum size of a single image file is 75 MiB (78.64 MB).
Tags: image, marketplace, MB, MiB, photo, photograph, photos, product, products, sale, sell, seller, sellers, shop, thumbnail